Glacial Lighthouse


  • ISO: 200
  • Aperture: f/14
  • Shutter Speed: 1/200 sec
  • Date: 01/03/2018
  • Location: Marken, the Netherlands
  • Description:

    Due to the cold air coming into our country from Siberia, we had some really chilly days, with around minus 10 degrees. This caused an beautiful ice shove at the light house at Marken. Wanting to capture this uncommon phenomenon, I set my alarm at 5 o’clock in order to capture the sunrise.

    With a windchill of another 8 degrees, my face was freezing off on the walk over to the lighthouse. When I finally arrived there, it was worth the lack of sleep and battling the cold! The lighthouse with the beautiful ice in the foreground, and the soothing colors of the start of another day to compliment the whole scene. It felt magical!

Glacial Lighthouse