A photo showing a Himalayan mountain range with mount Everest in the background during a sunset.
Ice and Fire


  • ISO: 100
  • Aperture: f/9
  • Shutter Speed: 1/80 sec

This photo was taken at the highest point during our Nepal trip. We hiked from Gorakshep to Kala Patthar , which means “Black Rock” in Nepali. It is 5643 meters high and has a beautiful view of Changtse, Mount Everest, Lhotse and Nuptse. It was breathtaking to stand in front of all those 7500m+ mountains, I couldn't imagine hiking 3000 additional vertical meters to summit Mt. Everest!

We arrived at Kala Patthar just in time for sunset, which did not let us down. Normally there are quite a few clouds obstructing the view in the evening, but we were lucky. Perfect conditions made for the rock covered in ice to be set ablaze by the setting sun. A moment to always remember.
