

  • ISO: 100
  • Aperture: f/9
  • Shutter Speed: 30 sec

I stayed at Hawea lake for 2 days, only a 30 minute drive from Wanaka. I knew I wanted to photograph the famous Wanaka tree before I even left for New Zealand! That's why I ended up driving to that tree 4 different times, during sunrise and sunset.

On my final try, my alarm went at 04.30 AM, I jumped in the car and set up camp at the tree at 05.30 AM. I took multiple photos, with the ever shifting light. Starting from a deep red, it slowly became a warmer and softer yellow. The sun peaked over the hills behind me and shined its light on the mountains behind the tree. This was my favorite photograph I walked with that day. The conditions were perfect! There are a good amount of soft clouds, a warm sunrise, calm waters, and a still tree. Just a very serene scene in the early morning.
